Management SoftwareCustomer Relationship
Provide sufficient processes and tools to help you perform well marketing, sales and other support activities.
DetailProvide sufficient processes and tools to help you perform well marketing, sales and other support activities.
DetailComprehensive human resource management from planning, recruiting, training, profile, evaluations, timekeeping, salaries, insurance ...
DetailManage and fully control operations from project information planning, work planning, resources, project finance ...
DetailSpecialized overall management solution (ERP) helps businesses operate more efficiently, grow and be more sustainable!
DetailSolution for managing processes, documentaries, projects, tasks ... supports the administration of the Enterprise effectively.
DetailHelps financial management, accounting be reliable, easy to use, fully professional and capable of deep analysis for 16 levels and 8 objects!
DetailManage assets, equipment, depreciation, allocate costs and enable integration with the device to print bar codes or inventory.
DetailHelp enterprises manage and operate the warehouse system in one or many different points easily, accurately and in detail.
DetailSoftware manages điểm bán hàng point of sale (pos), chain stores with web interface easy to use, beautiful, runs online anytime, anywhere.
DetailSpecialized software solution for spa, hair salon, nail, beauty services, health care.
DetailProvides a full range of operations from cashier, order, quantitative, warehouse, revenue and expenditure, purchasing, human resources, customer care ...
DetailDedicated for hotel, resort management .... helps improve business ability and management efficiency.
DetailBy innovation, we make applications to be updated on technology, intelligent handing processes, beautiful interface. Deep understanding of business process, SINNOVA have been provided overall solutions dedicated enterprise (ERP) help connect the activities and effective than ever.